Monday, June 13, 2011

Vocab and Veggies

I spent the day Saturday with my friends up on the northern tip of the island in their "plot" where they plant vegetables, not their dearly departed. That's garden to us. Their garden is our yard. Yard in England is our driveway.

Skip is the dump.
Sports -  a strip is the team's uniform.
Pavement is the sidewalk.
Oddly enough..."Scottish" pancakes are exactly like American ones.

Okay, back to the plot. Here are some shots of the garden, the men working in it. My friend, Anne, and I also did do some work, but will opt not to be in the photos.

I also followed the flock down the croft to the fank (sorry, no idea what it is in America, closest I can think of is a corral for sheep) and saw them being dosed and a few were sheared - with big scissory shears, not electric!!

On with the show...

Lots of wind protection has to go up.

Off to the fank go the sheep, the shepherd, two nephews and me.

I took many, many more photos of all of the above but on my friend's camera. So go on over to Home School on the Croft to see more details of the day. 

And a sunset

And on a different note...blanket day at school last week! 

1 comment:

  1. Blue skies, Laurie!! Wasn't it great!

    I haven't posted the shearing photos yet - maybe tomorrow.
    Boy, my back and my legs were stiff yesterday .... I could definitely tell I'd been planting and turning soil..... er, remember the soil turning!
