Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Slipping through my fingers

Three weeks and a half weeks. I've found it hard to leave here after a week's visit. What's going to happen to me when I try to say good-bye this time?

Last Saturday while I was down watching and learning about the care and clipping of sheep my little seven year old friend said, "I'm gonna miss you when you go." I took a deep breath and got out, "I'm gonna miss you, too." Come on! I'm sure there's no crying allowed (or aloud) at the fank!!! That was a close one.


I have a very promising writer in my class and she wrote something today that cracked me up! Their assignment was to write a short newspaper article (imaginary) using a list of words they'd brainstormed earlier. In this particular article, the reporter had been investigating a restaurant because some people had complained of illness after being there. The reporter noticed one cook acting suspiciously and crept up behind her only to find that, sure enough, there at the cook's station sat a bottle labeled, "Food Poisoning!" Is it just me or doesn't that strike you funny?!

Here are some notebooks that they covered in Harris Tweed as part of our unit on that topic this term.

Finally, here's a look at 11pm. I could really get used to this. I don't know about getting used to the darkness at the other end of the year!

1 comment:

  1. Awww....boy, your 7yr old friend's mum is going to miss you too - big style :(

    I love the covered notebooks. Aren't they just lovely, and the 'food poisoning' is hilarious. You must get so many laughs in a classroom!
