Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Whole Story

Here's the story of how I got to the Isle of Lewis in the first place. It isn't really "like" me to seek out adventure and I didn't do it on that occasion, either. My feeling's always been that teaching was adventure enough!

In the spring of 2007 it was evident that the Christian school I'd been working for was going to have to close for good. Our enrollment had declined a little, but our expenses had risen a lot. I had taught there for a total of 17 years and like many others (teachers and students, their families) was very happy there. But, the long and short of it is, we just couldn't keep going.

Closing - saying good-bye, selling all of our stuff, dispersing people and things was rather grievous. I came across a job, or it came across me, when a woman at my church told my mother they needed someone to work in one of the shops at Grounds for Sculpture where she worked. Figuring I'd stay for a few months then look for another job when I felt more up to it, I took it. It was busy at times and I had a lot to learn, but by and large it was much, much more quiet and less stressful than being in a new school would have been. I was very thankful to the Lord for providing a place to sort of rest up after the previous few months.

But I didn't leave after a few months, I stayed on for a whole year.

When the summer of 2008 rolled around I heard from my former principal, who'd gone on to another Christian school, that at long last, after thinking about it most of his adult life, he was going to go to Asia and teach over there. He'd traveled quite extensively and I'd lived in Austria one year while teaching so we spent a lot of time talking about his new adventure and I even helped him a little in his preparations to leave. Soon enough he was all set to go and I was left with a kind of let down feeling that after all that talk of new, far away places, I was just staying home. Not that exciting. Oh, well.

About a week or so later I received an email from friends who work with the Association of Christian Schools International in Europe. They knew that I wasn't teaching and also had just heard from one of "their" schools that a teacher (one of only two there) had broken her leg after two days of school and would be out of commission until January. Did I have any interest in going to the Isle of Lewis, Scotland and filling in? I know, a teacher, but I had check a map on the internet to see where the Outer Hebrides are. Found them. And my thoughts of "not very exciting just staying home" came back to me. So I talked to my family and the friend who was leaving, prayed. The possibility sort of took hold.

When I told my boss about it I was very surprised that she said since it was our slow season she could hold my job for me while I was gone and I could pick up in January.

As I said at the beginning, this kind of thing isn't really "like" me. I considered at the time and still do that God had used the time spent with my friend to stir a desire in my heart that He was going to provide the answer to very quickly. He knew about Morag's leg and what was going to happen as she walked the moors that Saturday. He knew I'd most likely decline an offer had I not been prepared over the summer. But I said, "Okay."

October 7, 2008 I flew to London and waited for the school board to make travel arrangements up to Stornoway for me. I was there by the 13th. And what an adventure it was. The people are wonderful, the weather very wild. It must have taken hold because I have my tickets to return on Feb 21st.

Here's a peak at the school and some of my students - who are older now, but still there!

 Yes, this is the, that's not all of the students...there were 15 at the time.

Our classroom - grades 3,4 and 6.

And these are most of the mothers and teachers together for dinner on one of my visits back.

Looking forward to going back. It all amazes me, but there it is!

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