Thursday, February 17, 2011

See you soon!

Now that my flight is only four days away there are a lot of good-byes to say. Good-bye is one of those words I've wondered about and need to look up. You thought I was going to say: one of those words I hate or something like that! Well, that can be true, too, but no, I mean, when do you use good-bye, "so long" (which I never say), farewell, etc. I understand one of those is a very final parting and the other means we won't see each other for a short or long while.

Someone can teach me the vocab. I'd appreciate it.

Said the appropriate leaving words to people at work yesterday.

And my spot will be vacant at handbells now. Will try for a better photo before we play on Sunday.

Someone will come along, for that spot and work....

So for now, I'll say, what?! Bye, so long, see ya (wouldn't want to be ya - couldn't resist), later, be back soon!!!!!

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