Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I'm not taking this computer with me to Stornoway, so I'm going to load some photos on here and if my new netbook never gets them then I can look at them here.

My mom and dad

Each of my parents with their brothers and sister. They all met in high school. Well, sort of. My aunt had finished by the time my youngest uncle got there, but they met eventually. My dad's sister was first, then his older brother, then mom and dad who are the same age, then my mother's two brothers.  A constant stream of Anstatts/Richmans for five or six years at Glassboro High School.

 My brothers Paul and David

David with his family

Paul with his family

Goofing around with Rachel

I like this one of Jordan and his little cuz, Ella. He doesn't hold her very often, had to ask him to do it just for a picture.


  1. Gorgeous photos. I love Jordan with the cutie-pie. And... I love the background, cos it reminds me of a holiday we once had....!

  2. Haha! Been there before!! Aw Ella is a cutie! Nice picture of her and Jordan! :)
