Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunshine, Seedlings and Stolling

Spent another good weekend with my friends up north on their croft and out at the peats (just taking a stroll this time, no lifting!!!). My friend has a really interesting blog about life up there and if you visit it and look over the past few days you'll see just what I did this weekend, too. (Ehem...look for the slave labor, that's me.) My camera battery fizzled out on me, so a referral is all I can manage.

Go on over to Home School on the Croft for a look! homeschoolonthecroft.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. Loved the pictures on Harris, and thought it so interesting about Harris tweed. Would love to come and visit someday. Who knows. I will have another look at Anne's blog to see pictures again. Always thought the peat so interesting as well. Had heard about it in stories, but didn't know anything about it until Anne posted on it last year.

    Thanks for popping over for a visit on my blog. Loved having you.
    Many Blessings,
