Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I'm really proud of how my class just played in the local primary school football tournament. They won't be going through to the next round, but for two weeks they've been convinced they couldn't win any matches.  All of the schools they played against are much larger, therefore, have many more players to choose from. Basically 2/3 of my class had to play (5 plus a sub).

They just won two and had one tie. They had a tie with the team that is going through.

Seems a couple of things motivated them. Got them thinking about what those big schools might just be assuming about a team from a school with only 9 eligible from which to choose. They'd be assuming we'd be no competition at all. This sort of got their backs up. And then there was the promise of some treats tomorrow at school in recognition of their good performance. I've just come in from the store.

Here they are before playing. Their coach is one of the fathers from school.



  1. Yes, well done! Our last 3 kids have gone to our little middle school and high school here, and know what it is like to struggle with a small team. It is definitely an exhausting challenge to play against teams who have many substitutes when ours have none. Our girls high school team had not won a game in years until the last year that Olga played... it sure feels good to win a little after so many losses.... She also played for another town league, and was able to go to play in the Swedish Gothia cup because of a recruitment from an American team, and then she received a soccer scholarship to a small College in Wyoming as well... so you never know what opportunities arise even when the odds don't seem very good. I think the kids are marvelous when the persevere like that.

    Enjoyed your pictures of brother and family... looked like a great visit. Such an adorable baby.

  2. Yeppers!!!! Almost sounds like you have 'coaching' blood in you! Miss that part of my life. But seems like I am always choosing to be a part of some 'underdog' situation.
