Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sunny day

Will definitely need sunglasses outside today. When I eventually do get out there. Is it just blue-eyed people who are sensitive to light? Guess not, since my brown-eyed grandmother really struggled with "the glare." I've only noticed it since I passed 40. Difficult to look at people who are standing or sitting in front of a bright window. Cannot keep my eyes open when driving on a day like this (without the sunglasses)...sun shining on all the snow everywhere.

Since I don't have any news on my visa yet (and have decided I won't mention it again until I do get some kind of news) here's what my neighborhood looks like after last night's snow.

Sun through the I could do from inside my house.

And bravo to the plowers and shovelers for getting out so early!!!!

Grounds for Sculpture is closed today so no work for me. Should I make it a productive day or fritter it away? Will probably do both. I'm reading a gigantic book, "...And Ladies of the Club" there's that and inventory my Mary Kay stock. I'll shoot for that. 

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