Monday, January 3, 2011

Getting off the ground

If you are reading this, you probably know me, so I can skip over personal info!!  And you also know that I am hoping to go to the Isle of Lewis to teach for about six months.

When I've visited the Isle of Lewis in Scotland before, some friends and family have asked for photos and this blog will, I hope, satisfy your curiosity about the place. I can also keep you up on what's happening with me whenever you feel like checking in.

As of now, January 3, 2011 I am still in the US and in the middle of applying for my visa.  There's much more involved in that process than I had imagined.

Application filed online.
Fingerprints taken this morning.
Now...need to mail in a stack of papers - financial, travel, passports, photos, certificates of sponsorship - to the proper authorities. Then wait. For how long, I don't know. They say 1-12 weeks. Uh oh.

And here we go!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Good for you. I like it when I pass contagious diseases on! And I'm your first follower x
