Friday, January 7, 2011

One of those days

Today I had to say bye-bye to my little and a half years old. Even though the separation will only be for a few weeks (ahem, that's a hint to you visa approval folks in NYC) it is always a tearful affair (for me, not for the little one).

I love being with the really little people, especially my own nephew and nieces. So it is hard on us all, my parents, my sister-in-law's parents, me, when my youngest brother and his family head back across the ocean to London. And how we appreciate them even making those flights with her on their laps hour after hour -squirming for much of it. Thanks P & M!!!

This little niece was a big part of the decision to go to teach in Scotland. Don't get me wrong, I love Lewis and the people I know there. Teaching will be great; I really loved those children! But I'll be ever so much closer to London and, yes, having them there certainly did influence the decision.

But, still no visa in hand.

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