Thursday, September 1, 2011

A hurricane, etc.

Hurricane Irene mostly just left us with floods and trees down. You see these all over the place blocking your way. There is usually a way to get where you want to go, but in the last three days I've come upon at least eight of these detours and I haven't been that many places.

Let's see if I can show you how high the river got. Why don't I stop and take pictures?? Always from a moving car!

Before the hurricane rains


On a different subject - there is a deer path through the woods behind my house. Look closely in the center for the fawn. They are like elephants and probably other animals that take the same path over and over year after year after year. There really is a path that no people walk on, so you know it happens!

And a book I've just read. 

It was very good and has renewed my interest in the KJV that has fallen from favor in the US at least. It is the  version of the Bible we used when I was a child. The account of how it came about is remarkable. 

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