Friday, August 26, 2011

First sign of autumn

When I woke up the other morning...and looked out the window...

I saw three or four leaves that had turned.

Love autumn, so I was excited to see this. I know, it means that I can't just open the door and step outside without a jacket or whatever, but I do love it. 

Okay, on to the Harris Tweed problem. I will be giving one or two of the shawls away, but the truth is I want to keep it all! :) Wicked. There is even something missing and, look, I could open a shop!

Flowers from LICS, napkin rings from Anne, one shawl from my class, pin was a gift, too, handbags accumulated over the years, so it's not like I bought it all this time!

So, I'll be warm this autumn and so will a couple of my friends and family when they get their tweed. 

We are all bracing for hurricane Irene that is supposed to cause us some trouble Saturday night and Sunday. The market looked like a Saturday when I went over this morning. We aren't used to this weather at all. When hurricanes go through our area they usually have the decency to stay out to sea, but Irene's decided she wants a tour of the whole east coast. Mostly have to watch for trees falling (high wind for us is about 40 mph), some flooding since we have already had the wettest August in recorded history and the river is high from that, and power outages. Hang on!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Odds and Ends

Earthquake yesterday and hurricane Irene headed our way over the weekend. These severe natural phenomenon are very interesting when you don't have to be at the center of them.

After two or three days of being stuck inside last week because of rain, I got a treat for Ella. 

Tomorrow...or the next day I'll show you evidence of a full-blown Harris Tweed obsession I didn't know I had. Wait til you see it!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Guys in the Grand Canyon

My dad, two brothers and one nephew in the Grand Canyon for a six day trip down the river.

They started at 5.30 on a nine mile hike down to the river.

The heat was help stay cool their guide told them to get completely wet here before the end of their hike along the river to the boats.

Dad said this was one of the few places he's seen that can truly be described as awesome.

The dories they traveled in were paddled by one guide even through the rapids.

Sleeping accommodation

Day hikes to side canyons and taking every opportunity to get wet and stay cool!!

Helicopter out at the end.

They loved it and highly recommend it! We went to the Grand Canyon 35 years ago on a big family vacation out west and ever since Dad and the boys have wanted to do this, so it was a big splurge, but they all agree it was worth the wait to be able to do it. And Jordan loved it, too, though he hadn't waited nearly as long!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our visitor

She's back! And has she grown.

With her dad, my brother, on the hammock.

Mmmmm. She's a "good eater." Likes almost everything put in front of her.

With her cousin whom she adores. She waves her arms and squeals whenever Rachel comes in the room; waits outside the bathroom while Rachel get the idea.

Playing today and wearing her favorite dress. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Around here

I think I only have one reader I'm posting just for you now, Anne. A few more pictures of this place! Weather is cooler today. Overcast 82. Not exactly cool, but better than Monday.

Was over in NJ near my parents' again early in the week - farm stand for corn, tomatoes and peaches.

An intersection that would be much more efficient if it were a round about instead of a light. No one in sight and me just using up fuel.

Driving into Pennington. I lived just outside of the town limits when I was in high school.

This church (not in the photo, but there is one...)was here during the Revolutionary War and the British exercised their horses jumping over this wall around the cemetery.

A very old prep school which I did not attend. They have many students from other countries. I do remember getting in the car late one night when I was growing up because this end of it was on fire, so we drove nearby to one was hurt. I'm amazed we did that since my grandfather and uncles were firemen and had always warned my mother about "chasing fires." 

About a mile and a half away is my mom and dad's.

And from the drive way I can show you where I went to high school. See it between the trees across the street? Yes, we were that close. My brothers were always having detentions for being late! 

Then I head home across the Delaware River - very narrow bridge. Some people refuse to use it. You get used to it.

coming to the bridge


And on my side is where George Washington had his troops before they crossed on Christmas Day and defeated the Hessians at Trenton. His headquarters was this stone building.

Another few houses in the village have been preserved as it is an historic park now.

Back at home. This was taken just before company arrived. That's as neat as it gets. 

Running out of things to put up. Don't know when I'll post again. Bye for now. :)