Friday, July 15, 2011

Living in the Pennsylvania

I should think about changing the name of my blog. Or just bow out gracefully. These photos are sort of related to Lewis...tea and gardens.

First the tea...made in a pitcher, not pot...

add hot water...that's the same as...

glass with ice...iced tea spoon (parfait spoon, but we don't call it that; only used to add sugar to the tea which I won't, but just so you can see)...

Iced Tea!!! You won't see any photos of iced coffee here as I don't like.

My little patio garden, started two days ago. I'm way behind and even felt a little ashamed to be buying so many plants already grown at the nursery the other day. Only people who've been away for months have an excuse for letting a little potting wait so long...mid-July indeed.

Walk out my basement door...

already it looks more pathetic in the camera lens than in person, but here it is for now.

I don't really notice the air conditioning unit out there when I'm there. Isn't nice in the photo.

Other way.

One more pot by itself.

Morning on a sunny summer day.

And from the first level of the house it looks even less impressive. I think I'm back to the nursery again next week.

I do what I can. Show you out front sometime! 

1 comment:

  1. You call that pathetic?! Mmmm, you can guess that I'd have a different adjective for it - knowing what you know about out 'garden' and flowers!
    So glad to be putting pictures into my mind of where you are now :)
