Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good-bye Lewis

My last entry for this blog. Because tomorrow I leave Lewis and don't know when I'll be back. It has been so hard to say good-bye to everyone! Something inside of me wants to be able to capture the sounds, smells, sights, feel of the island and take it home with me. And not seeing my friends for who knows how long. It is a wrench.

Here are my last glimpses.

I hope to see you again soon! I'll miss you very much.

1 comment:

  1. :(
    I know there's so much to be thankful for: you are going to your own home; you are leaving us healthy; we live in a world where communication is so easy; .... we met you in the first place!
    But.... as the Wee Guy said last night, 'I wish she was only going home to Point'.
    Have a safe trip home. Love to that gorgeous little niece of yours :) and to her mum and dad, and to your own mum and dad.
    Speak soon. {Hugs} and Love x
