Sunday, July 31, 2011

At Home

My parents' house...where I spent my teens. The back...and I didn't take any around front! ? !

Rachel reading in the hammock even in 100 degrees.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Living in the Pennsylvania

I should think about changing the name of my blog. Or just bow out gracefully. These photos are sort of related to Lewis...tea and gardens.

First the tea...made in a pitcher, not pot...

add hot water...that's the same as...

glass with ice...iced tea spoon (parfait spoon, but we don't call it that; only used to add sugar to the tea which I won't, but just so you can see)...

Iced Tea!!! You won't see any photos of iced coffee here as I don't like.

My little patio garden, started two days ago. I'm way behind and even felt a little ashamed to be buying so many plants already grown at the nursery the other day. Only people who've been away for months have an excuse for letting a little potting wait so long...mid-July indeed.

Walk out my basement door...

already it looks more pathetic in the camera lens than in person, but here it is for now.

I don't really notice the air conditioning unit out there when I'm there. Isn't nice in the photo.

Other way.

One more pot by itself.

Morning on a sunny summer day.

And from the first level of the house it looks even less impressive. I think I'm back to the nursery again next week.

I do what I can. Show you out front sometime! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rooftop Garden, London

My outdoor-loving brother and sister-in-law live in London, England. I know they love it there, but am sure they'd also like to have a big yard in which they could plant (especially my s-i-l). Here is what they've done to their upstairs patio.

Come along...

Blackberries, too.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good-bye Lewis

My last entry for this blog. Because tomorrow I leave Lewis and don't know when I'll be back. It has been so hard to say good-bye to everyone! Something inside of me wants to be able to capture the sounds, smells, sights, feel of the island and take it home with me. And not seeing my friends for who knows how long. It is a wrench.

Here are my last glimpses.

I hope to see you again soon! I'll miss you very much.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Last night was a nice send-off from some of the school families. Here they are.

Looks calm, but outside just a minute later, war resumed! The buckets were part of the water war. Also in use - baseball bats, brooms, wooden swords! Most of the combatants have disappeared, but they are there, just around the corner!

Friday, July 1, 2011

A short walk

My favorite place to walk "in town" is in the Castle Grounds. The Castle was built in the 1920s (I think) by Lord Leverburgh - soap magnate. The Castle now houses the college and the trails are excellent!

Surely by now you want to come here to visit!

The harbor is between where I walk and the town

Wind turbines on the moors outside of town. They do make a swooshing noise when you are up close and they make some people feel a little ill from their spinning motion. When they stand close to the spinning. I found out. Today. I'm fine now. I'll spare you the video I shot.