Saturday, March 5, 2011

My classroom

Yesterday, Friday, was the end of my first full week of teaching. It felt very natural to be back in this classroom. We had our ups and downs of trying to work out a new routine and I need to be very intentional about laying that in place now. Anyway, here's what it looks like in my classroom.

And after school I came up to Ness, at the Butt of Lewis to spend a day with a wonderful family-ful of friends! It was very misty/foggy all afternoon. Here are the crofts outside of their house.

There's still plenty of time to book your ticket to come on over! How can you resist??????

1 comment:

  1. What a difference in that classroom since I last saw it! What a great size!

    Oh, and what a great view ;) *who* would live in a house like this??

    (that's a line from a TV programme, but maybe it makes no sense to non-Brits!)
