Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ella's sweater

In the hours I have free while seeking a full-time job, I decided it was time to relearn how to knit. My mother taught me when I was 12, but I haven't done it since. After I said I wasn't going to make sweaters or any kind of clothing, here's what I did first...

A kimono style sweater for Ella. Not a very little girlish color, but it is what my sister-in-law likes.

A very basic stitch, but I'm on my way and do enjoy it very much. This little one took me two weeks. 

Going to try a very open scribble stitch scarf next. So much for no clothing. Want to make some market bags soon. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

More of How We "Do" Fall

My mother's little fall touches at her house. She laughs at herself, so its okay if we do a little, too. Over the years picking up a cute pillow or pumpkin here and there adds up! And this is nothing compared to Christmas.

Front door


:) And today she was working hard transplanting things she wants to take inside for the winter.

One more...I don't usually stick things to my car, but I was given this I did this time.

Now I have messages to put away. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Around the house

It's been warm the past few days, but some cooler weather is blowing in this afternoon. Dramatic skies.

My back patio has an autumn look now, too.

Indoors there are a few autumn decs...

The signs of changing season elsewhere in the house are not so nice. Small piles of summer clothing, shoes waiting to be put away and winter clothes making an appearance. This warm cool warm cool time of year makes for even less organization than usual. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Time Flies

This album is tucked away in a closet. It is kept in a big plastic bag because it really is disintegrating. I have to put a cloth or paper (kitchen) towels down on surfaces because the cover is turning to dust.

I started taking pictures of it because I think I have to get rid of it and find a new album for these folks. The pages have all come loose from the binding.

 I don't know most of the people in this heavy book, but at the very back are my great-great-grandparents and one of their sons, my great-grandfather.

Abbie and John Richman (great-greats) 
Mother's father's father's mother and father

And this serious boy, I remember. Herbert Richman

He was in his late 80s when I was born. He'd sit in his living room and just watch us play when we came over, so by then he must have been 90. He was quiet and my great-grandmother made up for it. I know he was a baptist, never came downstairs in the morning without shaving and dressing and wore a tie even to mow the lawn! He watched us playing intently, leaning forward in his chair. Maybe thinking this same thing -Time goes so quickly.
It is just rushing by, much faster than we know. 
I try to imagine these people's lives and remember that they breathed and moved. All the fuss they must have had to go to on the day they were having their pictures taken. How these parents watched and wondered about their son. Prayed for him. They are gone and the earth barely remembers them.
Today I'm praying that my family and friends who still aren't surrendered to Christ would feel the rush of time as it passes by. How short this life is and then comes an unhurried eternity...wholly with or completely without God. No in between. 

Monday, September 19, 2011


Cold weather rolled in last week...cooler I should say. It is lovely.

My autumn breakfast.

And the sticky pot is waiting in the sink for cleaning later....... 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Phillies win again! 9-0

The Philadelphia Phillies are cleaning up this season! We had a good time at a game tonight. Rachel's choir sang the national anthem and sounded fab!

Find her? See the guy in the red shirt, look two people to the left of him.

Their name up in lights!

Phillies on the field

Keeping the field looking nice! This is before the game - stands aren't full yet.

Mom and Dad when the game was all over.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A hurricane, etc.

Hurricane Irene mostly just left us with floods and trees down. You see these all over the place blocking your way. There is usually a way to get where you want to go, but in the last three days I've come upon at least eight of these detours and I haven't been that many places.

Let's see if I can show you how high the river got. Why don't I stop and take pictures?? Always from a moving car!

Before the hurricane rains


On a different subject - there is a deer path through the woods behind my house. Look closely in the center for the fawn. They are like elephants and probably other animals that take the same path over and over year after year after year. There really is a path that no people walk on, so you know it happens!

And a book I've just read. 

It was very good and has renewed my interest in the KJV that has fallen from favor in the US at least. It is the  version of the Bible we used when I was a child. The account of how it came about is remarkable. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

First sign of autumn

When I woke up the other morning...and looked out the window...

I saw three or four leaves that had turned.

Love autumn, so I was excited to see this. I know, it means that I can't just open the door and step outside without a jacket or whatever, but I do love it. 

Okay, on to the Harris Tweed problem. I will be giving one or two of the shawls away, but the truth is I want to keep it all! :) Wicked. There is even something missing and, look, I could open a shop!

Flowers from LICS, napkin rings from Anne, one shawl from my class, pin was a gift, too, handbags accumulated over the years, so it's not like I bought it all this time!

So, I'll be warm this autumn and so will a couple of my friends and family when they get their tweed. 

We are all bracing for hurricane Irene that is supposed to cause us some trouble Saturday night and Sunday. The market looked like a Saturday when I went over this morning. We aren't used to this weather at all. When hurricanes go through our area they usually have the decency to stay out to sea, but Irene's decided she wants a tour of the whole east coast. Mostly have to watch for trees falling (high wind for us is about 40 mph), some flooding since we have already had the wettest August in recorded history and the river is high from that, and power outages. Hang on!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Odds and Ends

Earthquake yesterday and hurricane Irene headed our way over the weekend. These severe natural phenomenon are very interesting when you don't have to be at the center of them.

After two or three days of being stuck inside last week because of rain, I got a treat for Ella. 

Tomorrow...or the next day I'll show you evidence of a full-blown Harris Tweed obsession I didn't know I had. Wait til you see it!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Guys in the Grand Canyon

My dad, two brothers and one nephew in the Grand Canyon for a six day trip down the river.

They started at 5.30 on a nine mile hike down to the river.

The heat was help stay cool their guide told them to get completely wet here before the end of their hike along the river to the boats.

Dad said this was one of the few places he's seen that can truly be described as awesome.

The dories they traveled in were paddled by one guide even through the rapids.

Sleeping accommodation

Day hikes to side canyons and taking every opportunity to get wet and stay cool!!

Helicopter out at the end.

They loved it and highly recommend it! We went to the Grand Canyon 35 years ago on a big family vacation out west and ever since Dad and the boys have wanted to do this, so it was a big splurge, but they all agree it was worth the wait to be able to do it. And Jordan loved it, too, though he hadn't waited nearly as long!!!